Dear Reader,
Despite September routinely fighting for the title of “peak summer” on our little corner of the island — with longer stretches of full-sun days combined with the absence of our usual trade winds — my body is recognizing the turn towards Fall. Cooler air whispers through the screened windows when the sun isn’t up; a preference towards a good read over a screen; richer, toastier, spicier, saucier, cooked flavors over the raw, the chilled or the frozen. And, as can be depended on like our sticky island Septembers — my creative self is very much alive.
I don’t know whether to credit my mid-October birth day, or my affinity towards the meaning of and creation of home, but fall time is very much my personal full moon phase of the year. It’s when I feel the most in my body — heart, mind and spirit. It’s when I feel the greatest connection to my ancestors — with many of their comings and goings having been in the autumn. It’s the generous pie slice of the year packed with days worth celebrating — too-many-loved-ones-to-count’s birthdays, my own!, our engagediversary (new word), our wedding and years in love anniversaries, the anniversary of acquiring this precious land, Hina Luna’s birthday, Giorno dei Morti (for honoring the ancestors) — and a hefty helping of days to cook and share and toast and laugh and connect over a table. My heart.
In September of 2022, after a big pause (you know the one), we’d finally made it to Italy. When we returned, I launched head first into Hina Luna’s brick and mortar venture, then (temporarily) closed that short chapter, all while visioning and planning the most significant, intimate celebration of our lives — our wedding — bringing us around to September 2023. Immediately after, we went all in, building our little casetta to move into in record time the following Spring. Throw in the big move, ongoing building projects, taking care of some minor health concerns and here we are, September again.
As we’re approaching one year married and two since Italy, I’m realizing that there are a lot of wonderful, beautiful moments I haven’t yet shared. Much of this year hasn’t felt like the appropriate time — nor has much of the online realm felt like the place — to share these things. And also, if this year in the world has taught me anything, it’s that life can break your heart daily, and existing right beside it at the same time is a well of joy to tap into and pockets of pleasure to be witnessed and embodied. It’s a privilege and a right. Holding both the grief and the joy is the juxtaposition of living this human life here on earth, and while there is quiet magic in keeping our personal joy close, sharing it has the potential to grow that joy ten-fold.
So with that, I’d very much like to share some of these extra special moments with you this month — an belated recap of our DIY’d, on the land, unconventional and very heart-forward wedding day, and an even longer overdue photo journal of our favorite moments from Italy. These two events might just be my most thoughtful creations thus far — Heart leading all the way. While the joy they continue to yield is of course deeply personal, my hope is that they offer you a gem of inspiration to slip into your own pocket for later.
There are many ways to connect, to celebrate, and to honor. I look forward to our next letters, dear reader, where I will be sharing with you the ones that light the match within me, especially this time of year.
Yesss, what a year!
Love sharing the journey with you, as your words seem to flow straight through your heart. 💗
I look forward to your newsletters and always walk away feeling connected to the seasonal rhythms- and like I just had a conversation with an old dear friend . Thank you.